Fact: We are far more UNITED than we are Divided.
The Links that CONNECT US are Much Stronger than the Forces that Seek to Tear Us Apart!!

The Links that CONNECT US are Much Stronger than the Forces that Seek to Tear Us Apart!!
The evidence is simply overwhelming: We have far more in common than we have apart. An impressive 60%-70% of our most closely held values are shared values. Yet, we are led to believe that our lives are fundamentally different -- hopelessly divided by elements that are irreconcilable.
We are ambushed with the most vile, negative and unflattering talking points and images of the "other side". 24/7. Day after day. Month after month. We are directed to hunker down and dig in along side those who think like US. We're ready to do battle. After all, "they" have to be defeated!
YOUniteUSA acknowledges that open, honest debate is an essential element of sustaining a free and workable society. It's really, REALLY important that those conversations take place. But, there's an invisible barrier erected by those don't want those conversations to happen. After all, "Why would you want to talk to, or even be in the same space with someone who has absolutely nothing in common with you, and is against everything you believe in?"
Sadly, what is missing is the narrative of "us" getting along. Doing simple, and not so simple things together. 24/7. Day after day after. Month after month. In spite of "others" telling us we must surgically remove ourselves from the other "group", we somehow, manage to work together, play together, and navigate through life's complexities -- together.. Then, we celebrate our successes, shared interests, and passions -- together. But, these stories are rarely told. These accounts are not "newsworthy". Nor do they offer a strategic advantage to advance a position and vilify and take down the "other side".
So, why do we continue to SCREAM about our differences, and whisper about the common links that make our quality of life possible?
The YOUniteUSA mission is to provide tangible evidence that our massive number of common links comprise an aggregate of the entire nation and OUR quality of life is actually made possible by others -- even those who may hold diametrically opposed political or idealogical positions to ours.
We Connect in Many Ways. Some May Even Surprise You.
Copyright 2019 YOUniteUSA
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